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Object- / Factory Protection

Object Protection

Object protection is considered as

  • the entirety of security services through actions and measures on a contractual basis under private law as a possessor's agent of a client or by loan respectively analogous legal institution in publicly order for protection of body, life, health and property as well as further legal assets.


  • as well as services for maintenance and establishment of order and security and also for recognizing and preventing danger and damage in facilities and/or on plots


Factory Protection

Factory protection is a specially qualified kind of object protection within a defined object (of industry).

The job specification of the employees normaly contains the passing of special trainings like

"Geprüfte Schutz- und Sicherheitskraft"  (anterior "Werkschutzfachkraft")
"Fachkraft für Schutz und Sicherheit"

and eventually secondary further vocational training measures, for example in the fields

  • fire safety
  • first aid
  • lift releasing
  • alarm monitoring
  • working on faults

and others...